

i heard that there was some sort of sale for the boys
im not sure on the details... maybe im lying
be nice to that boy at the counter.



BUD Blanks Available Today

Okay here's the deal. We have 50 available 9" tall Blow Up Dolls (BUDs) from Jamungo toys. They are blank.
We want you to customize them for the show entitled, Blow Up Houston, we have planned in June.

All BUDs are $40 and that includes your entry fee.
We need all BUDs back by June 20th to be included in the show.
You can come by the shop and pick yours up, or you can email us at awinfo@gmail.com for our paypal info and we will ship you your BUDs.

When Sara went to Pool in Vegas....

... she got one of these. This is just one peice of Dirty Pretty things. It was really hard to find any picture or information online about this jewelry collection, but i finally found a photo. If anyone knows anything about this jewelry get at us!


Florian Bertmer?

I stole this off flickr. I don't know who this bald guy is. But Sara's really into this Florian character. The more I Flickr him the more I like him. I wish AW would have an art show with this guy in it.

3rd April Fool's Race at Aerosol Warfare

some krink for sale

Christian is leaving this Diplo poster to me (Stephanie) in his will.
Some drawing from the students!

Christian seemed pretty into watching the bike messenger's do trick out in the lot.
"If i were younger, I'd totally get into this!"

I'm feelin' that new sticker above the door

"If I could take Chris with me everywhere when i traveled and told him to just play i would!" -Christian


This is how I started my Morning at work


and this... don't make fun.



April Fool's Race from 2-5

then from 5-9 There will be an after party with a keg of St. Arnold's beer at Aerosol Warfare!